The Pardee Cancer Treatment Fund is a non-profit community organization providing financial assistance to patients residing in six mid-michigan counties undergoing cancer treatment.

In 1944, following the wishes of Mrs. Elsa U. Pardee to "provide for others the benefits of scientific knowledge and skill yet undiscovered and hence not available to herself..." Elsa G. Allen and Carl A. Gerstacker formed the Elsa U. Pardee Foundation. In 1951, the Foundation Trustees were concerned about the high cost of cancer treatment, and the the Pardee Cancer Treatment Fund was formed in Midland County. It is funded by a yearly grant from the Pardee Foundation to help cancer patients needing financial assistance. While the Fund initiated in Midland County, in subsequent years extended support to Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot and Isabella counties as well.
Since 1944 this family-run foundation has granted over $135 million to support two key areas:
Research programs directed toward discovering new approaches for cancer treatment and cure
Financial support for patients undergoing cancer treatment.
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Persons applying for reimbursement must complete and sign an application in the Pardee Fund office in the county that the patient resides. The application is then submitted to the Fund's Board of Trustees for evaluation and approval.
This application must contain an accurate statement of financial status, accompanied by a 1040 tax form if requested.
Applicants with primary insurance coverage must submit their bills to their insurance carrier first.
All bills submitted for reimbursement must be itemized, indicating all charges and services.
*You must call for an appointment at the Pardee office in the county that you reside in.
Drugs or cancer treatment
Doctor, hospital, lab, x-ray and other associated cancer treatment
Supplies, prosthesis, wigs and related items
Bills for follow-up exams and treatments for a year after cancer treatment ends
A complete listing of reimbursable and non-reimbursable expenses is available by contacting the Pardee Fund office.